Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chocolate Board Game

I thought it would be fun to play a board game with my husband for a date night. So, I did a search to find the best game ever. I found lists of recommendations and read several reviews before stumbling across the chocolate board games. Chocolate incorporated into a game? What could be better?

There were three games with chocolate to choose from
1) Monopoly
2) Scrabble
3) Clue

I decided to go with Clue, because it's my favorite of the three.
The chocolate pieces were the playing cards that have room, guest name, and weapon information on them.
The gaming board was made of paper.
I could tell that the chocolate pieces weren't made with super high quality chocolate, but the idea was fun. We will probably buy our own chocolates and reuse the card info in the future.
The insturctions for the game were simplified, but we just played the game like the original, because we thought it would be more fun.

My husband was not surprised that I would buy a chocolate game, lol. We both had fun playing it though and when we finished he said "everyone should get chocolate after playing a game instead of points and the winner should get a few extra pieces." lol. The chocoholic in me would have to agree. 

 All three games are sold on amazon. This one cost about $10 with shipping.

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