Monday, November 25, 2013

Norwegian Dinner Date

I love  traditions, especially holiday traditions. Lately, I've been thinking about how it would be fun to learn more about the holiday traditions of other countries. Then I came across some pins on pinterest for a Norwegian Christmas meal. There was mashed rutabaga, sweet and sour cabbage, and a delicious looking pastry called skolleboller.

The pastry is really what sold me on having a Norwegian themed dinner date, because they looked fantastic and cardamom is in the recipe, which is one of our favorite spices.

The pastries can be served in smaller cookie sized portions or in larger doughnut sized portions.  They are baked with a custard filling, then they are covered in a sugar icing and coconut topping.
The smell of cardamom sugar filled the air while they were baking. It was a heavenly aroma. I thought they turned out great, but I think a cream cheesy danish filling might be better. My husband liked them too.

For dinner we had mashed rutabaga, sweet and sour cabbage, and sausage (we used tofu.)
The dinner was interesting. The mashed rutabaga was very similar to mashed potatoes and the sweet cabbage was very similar to purple cabbage.

Mashed Rutabaga Recipe
Sweet & Sour Cabbage Recipe (I omitted the bacon/flour/water. I used red wine vinegar instead of regular vinegar and added a 3 Tbsp of canola oil.)
Skolleboller Recipe

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